Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big print. This shroud helps fitting a 30mm fan to blow against pump body improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires in to conne..
Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from
enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big
print. This shroud helps fitting a 30mm fan to blow against pump body
improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires
Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from
enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big
print. This shroud helps fitting a 40mm fan to blow against pump body
improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires
in ..
Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from
enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big
print. This shroud helps fitting a 40mm fan to blow against pump body
improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires
in ..
Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from
enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big
print. This shroud helps fitting a 40mm fan to blow against pump body
improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires
in ..
Water pumps run on electric motors and their cooling system is far from
enough if the pump runs for 24 hours a day a few days to finish a big
print. This shroud helps fitting a 40mm fan to blow against pump body
improving cooling, besides the cupola has provisions to pass the wires
in ..
As from the name this is a clamping up spinning handle that can pretty
much clamp against anything you need to spin like a cable reel,
filament spool, etc.In the ZIP file you have one lower element, one upper element, one handle pipe and one nut knob, for which you need to buy a kerneled M5 inse..
Like most of my drawings it came out of necesity. This one is my first CAD drawing made to suit a client needs in FreeCad, namely my friends that fitted a new door lock at their garden fence and when Amazon deliverd their order of 6 folded wooden chairs IKEA style packed, the driver tossed it ..
My take on a filament spool support, accoding to how long is the Aluminium 20x20 extruded bar it can take quite a large number of filament spools from 500 grams to 1Kg to 3 Kg to 5 Kg, the rod that holds the spool is 6mm steel and on the rod there are 30mm or 50mm or 70mm drum adapters according to ..
take on a filament spool support, accoding to how long is the Aluminium
20x20 extruded bar it can take quite a large number of filament spools
from 500 grams to 1Kg to 3 Kg to 5 Kg, the rod that holds the spool is
6mm steel and on the rod there are 30mm or 50mm or 70mm drum adapters
Extended Universal Tools Holder, you can buy as many of them as you need, depending on how many
different hotends you have to swap. It can mount Chimera, Water cooled heatsinks, and many other models.It is longer than the regular Universal Tools Holder, just in case you need to fit som..
Universal Tools Holder,
For the price you have one Universal Tool Holder 3D printed.
you intend to run your printer on the hot side of polymers do not go
for PLA, rather nylon, or PPS or similar, if you intend to go fully
enclosed and really hot polymers in printing, I reccomend yo..
When it comes to commerically available funnels there is a wide variety that fits the majority needs.I am a minority and have special needs when it comes to funels.This one fits a version of the water cooling system top up needs on the top of the jar lid between all the cables, hoses, taps, pumps an..
When it comes to commerically available funnels there is a wide variety that fits the majority needs.I am a minority and have special needs when it comes to funels.This
one fits a version of the water cooling system top up needs on the top
of the jar lid between all the cables, hoses, taps, pump..